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Enrichment Curriculum

art projects for children
music lessons for children
math and science exploration for children
reading time for children
play time for children


Children will be able to do various projects such as coloring, drawing, crafts, and more, as this will develop their both gross and fine motor skills. Art is a natural and fun activity to support free play in children. 


Children will have the opportunity to partake in musical activities as it encourage language and memorization skills. Learning to speak is a natural process for most children. It all begins with your little one picking up language through music exposure.


Children learning is rooted in sensory exploration as they begin to make sense of the world through experimenting with how to make things happen. We offer activities that allows for sensory exploration.


Children will interact with different shapes, sizes, patterns and colors each day to build their numeracy skills. As they understand the number sense, they will be able to categorize through toys and books.

Life Skills

Children will learn and practice good habits such as clean up, sharing, personal hygiene, independence, and more. This will help children work towards building their problem-solving and decision-making skills.


All age groups benefit from opportunities to move and play indoor or outdoor. Children acquire knowledge by doing and then reflecting on their experience. Through movement, it builds strength, explore opposities and problem solve.

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